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When you are building a home, details matter. This extends far beyond measurements and design colors. It includes the careful evaluation of the service and material costs you are spending on your project. When you need electrical services completed on your new build, you not only want to ensure the job is correctly done, but you will also want to know what services you are paying for as well as the breakdown of what they cost.

When you work with Indeed Electric on your next remodel or new home build, we approach each job with integrity and if needed will provide a detailed estimate for your job. We also work with your schedule to give accurate time frames for work.

Indeed Offers Transparency and Peace of Mind

Our experienced team is very familiar working with both seasoned builders/remodelers, as well as those new to the trade. We know that no matter the amount of projects under your belt, you want to have no doubts about what is being paid for when it comes to services. Our comprehensive estimates eliminate those frustrations from ever coming up, offering complete peace of mind.

Build a Partnership That Lasts

When you complete a large job, you want to be sure you are surrounded by a team you can trust. A team that is actively working to keep you informed and confident about the progress of your custom build. Contact us today to discuss ways we can partner together to begin building a long-lasting relationship that makes Indeed Electric one of your first calls when you start a new home project. 


Your home's electrical system is one of the most extensive and essential systems in your home. This is why it's crucial that electrical work is never put off. Having your electrical work done professionally and in a timely manner will ensure that your home stays safe and functional. Here are a few signs that you may need to call a local electrician.

1. Flickering Lights

A flickering light can sometimes mean the lightbulb is about to go out, but it might also mean you need electrical work done if several of your lights routinely flicker. Flickering lights can be an indicator that your home's energy load is too great for the current circuitry. This can create a dangerous situation that will need professional attention. Other causes of flickering lights include a shortage in your wiring somewhere. Either of these situations requires immediate repair.

2. You've Bought an Older Home

Older homes were not constructed to handle the amount of electrical loads that modern families require. If you've purchased an older home, you should contact a local electrician about having the wiring updated. This will ensure that you and your family can operate all of your devices and appliances without danger.

3. You've Bought an Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles are growing in popularity, and many people appreciate the fact that you can charge an electric vehicle from the comfort of your home. However, it might be necessary to have your home updated to accommodate the charging station. You can talk with a local electrician concerning what changes would need to be made to your home to begin charging your EV.

4. You're Building an Addition

If you are undertaking the construction of an addition to your home, you'll need the assistance of a professional electrician. When you obtain your building permits, you'll be required to get an electrician to do these types of services. This is required to ensure that the homes in the area are built to code and that you are also safe.

Electrical work can be dangerous if you're not an electrician yourself, and you never want to attempt to DIY an electrical project. You could injure yourself (or worse). According to Zippia, the average age of an electrical worker in the U.S. is 50 years old, and they have years of experience handling electrical systems. If you're in need of a professional and experienced electrician, our team at Indeed Electric can help. Contact us today to get started.

At some point, you may need the services of your local electrical company. Before you bring in an electrician to work in your home or business, you may need to do a bit of research. According to Zippia, there are over 30,000 electrical contractors in the United States, so it can seem overwhelming to pick just one. Here are some questions to help narrow down your options.

1. Do You Have a Specialization?

Electrical work isn't a one-size-fits-all profession. An electrician may have a specialty or specific type of building they prefer to work on. For example, some may specialize in commercial work versus residential work. Some may be an expert at working on a power grid.

2. Do You Offer Estimates?

An estimate provided by your electrical company can help you understand how much you can expect to pay for their services. This is essential so that you can budget for their services accordingly. Indeed Electric offers free estimates in a timely manner providing as much helpful information as possible before work begins.

3. Do You Have a License?

Never let an electrician work on your property without the proper license! A reputable electrical company will always have a license from the state to conduct legal electrical work. There are a lot of liability and safety issues when dealing with electrical wiring, so it is always best to hire a trained professional.

4. May I See References?

A professional electrical company shouldn't hesitate to provide references. References are useful to see if they've worked well with past clients and did the job they said they would do. References can validate the company's professionalism and assure that you're hiring the right professional to do safe and quality work.

5. Will I Need Other Repairs?

Depending upon the intensity of the electrical work, it may involve other adjustments in your home or business. For example, what seems like a small issue to you might turn out to require extensive rewiring or the installation of new equipment after professional inspection.

Electricity makes our homes and businesses convenient to live and work in. However, it can also be dangerous in the wrong and inexperienced hands. The above questions can help you pick the best electrical contractor for your project when you need one. Contact our local team at Indeed Electric today for a consultation.

Your home can accommodate not just your current needs but future demands too! As the
popularity of electric vehicles continues to grow, we’ve been outfitting more homes and garages
with dedicated electric vehicle charging systems.

Some homeowners choose this when they are building a home, whether they own an electric
vehicle or not, to prepare for the future. Other times, we do electric car charger installations in
existing homes, helping those homeowners understand what may need to change in their
current home wiring to accommodate the new system.

Rest assured, we will get the job done efficiently while prioritizing your goal of energy efficiency.

Not all electricians are equipped to install and maintain electric car charging stations. That’s why
we wanted to share a little of our experience and answer the questions you may still have
around this topic. We’re confident we can help you with this work.

Frequently Asked Questions for Electric Car Charging

General information for EV Ports.

Why can’t I just use an extension cord to charge my car?
You cannot charge an electric vehicle(EV) without the appropriate charger because there is a
communication process that must take place between the charger and the car before it will
accept power. Technically, the charger is inside the electric car and what’s on a garage wall is
an electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) module that corresponds with the car, although
people commonly call the module a charger. Also, extension cord plugs won’t fit an electric car.

Can I use the charger that came with the car?
Every electric vehicle(EV) comes with a standard charger, however every manufacturer supplies
different equipment. Some are portable Level 2 (240-volt) chargers that are fine to use for daily
charging. Others are very low-power Level 1 (120-volt) units that will charge the vehicle slowly.
These 120-volt units will only replenish 2 to 5 miles of range per hour, and many EV owners
won’t find that fast enough to utilize the full potential of their EV. It may, however, be enough to
charge a plug-in hybrid.

Where should I install my charging station?
Not all charging stations are water-proof and any one of them may be affected by extreme
weather. So taking into consideration the climate where you live, you may want to consider a
covered or indoor area for your charging station, like a garage. Also charging station cables can
vary in length. You will need to consider that as well as the size of your battery, how fast you
want it to charge, if you’d like a dual charging station, etc to determine where we install this
system in your new or current layout. These choices will affect the overall wiring of your

You don’t need to be an expert nor should you do the work on your own with electric charging. It’s a speciality of ours for a reason. We are happy to give a free estimate and answer any questions about an EV Charging Port.

What is GFCI protection?  GFCI or GFI as it is commonly referred to, stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.  To better understand what GFI protection is and its importance, lets first take a look at this table to better understand how electricity may affect your body if you come into contact with it. 


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